Getting the news
My friends complained they don't like the news they get. I am not referring to news content as much as style and criteria as to what to include in reports.
My wife and I get zero news from broadcast tv or radio. Well, NPR might be an exception for Lynn and she has an online subscription to the New York Times. We are both rather regular readers of the online CNN Five Things.
I look at Five Things, Numlock News, Google News, Writer's Almanac. I highly recommend using the Firefox browser. It isn't a product of any of the big tech companies and there is not a push to expand the use of other products. I am a big fan of the GetPocket service. It is part of the Firefox browser and it is free. Whenever I go to New Page to open an additional tab in my browser, Firefox and Pocket present snippets of a wide array of articles that might be of interest. Firefox also has a button that can strip out ads, inserts, and other distractions from webpages. It is referred to as "Reader view" and it can help.
The language of a headline or title can set the tone of the item. "Worst disaster in a decade" vs. "Fire in lumberyard" can make a big difference. I realize that writers are trying to get readers and reactions but I still go for a calm approach.
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