Monday, April 25, 2022

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

My friends did me a big favor when they voted to discuss "Being You" by Anil Seth.  The book is about how our minds come to be as they are.  Preparing to discuss that book, I reviewed that book and others that are related.  I mentioned some about this in the blog post from last Friday: [Firefox shortened link]

I read Dr. Bolte Taylor's book "My Stroke of Insight" quite a while back and was impressed.  Just being a neuroscientist and having a stroke is a somewhat lucky break since she gets to experience it and note what happens.  But I had never watched her TED talk about her stroke until today.  I found that she wrote a second book, "Whole Brain Living".  I really liked her first book and started in on the 2nd.  She devotes the first few pages to the effect of her giving a TED talk about her stroke.  It was one of those cases of very sudden, very extensive, very powerful fame.  I am a fan of TED talks and watched her talk today.  Truly excellent and spiritual as well as scientific.  It is 18 minutes and worth watching.