Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Could be a sign

Prof. Lisa Feldman Barrett of Cornell University makes clear in her book "Seven and a Half Lessons About Your Brain" that my brain has lots to do besides allow me to think.  David Eagleman makes the point even more emphatically in his "Incognito".  Here is a link to a web page that lists other books about human bodies and impulses that guide us and influence us without our conscious awareness.  


Yesterday, I tried to list some of the factors that influence us aside of our conscious thinking.


My friend Adams commented that I had omitted the arrangement of the stars and planets.  He wrote that such an omission would be typical of a person born to my astrological sign.  His comment got me thinking.  

I have read that India includes many people with a strong interest in astrology:


In searching "what country's people have a strong interest in astrology," I read that India is indeed such a country, but that 30% of Americans also have such an interest.  

Light pollution or not, a clear night sky sure shows many heavenly bodies.  If learned or respected people tell me they read the configurations of such bodies and get important ideas from them, I might believe them.  Some Indian friends told me they wisely consulted an astrologer to learn the optimal day and time for their marriage.  But I think they discarded the advice that 2 AM on a certain day would be best.  

My current beliefs try to downplay predictions since I want to concentrate on perceiving and enjoying my present.  I might ask an astrologer to help me gain insight into a person or phenomenon but I go by the idea that the heavenly bodies have little or no influence so the idea of "randomness" comes to mind.  I have taught many statistics lessons so the concept of randomness is familiar, but I admit that getting deep into thinking about what is random is as murky as my uses of my sign.