Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Too much!

Today's The Writer's Almanac (TWA) says that today is the birthday of Dr.Hans Selye, sometimes called the father of stress theory. Here's a link to the Almanac for today:

Selye was at McDill University in Montreal when he recognized a non-specific component to living bodies' initial reactions to assault by disease.  Before a specific set of symptoms emerged, there was a typical early generalized reaction.

As it happens, today the busy manager of several complex, highly active organizations stated that he had come to the end of his rope.  Too much to do, never really done.  He had newly discovered an important truth: "No one is ever happy!  Ever!"

He was not in the mood to debate the truth of his statements.  He was exhausted, downspirited, drowning in To-Do lists, reminders, customer issues, employee fatigue, employee absence.