Saturday, February 19, 2022

Baby needs food

Last night, we watched our 2nd episode of the Netflix show "Babies".  It is about a baby's first food.  Prof. Katie Hinde of Arizona State University emphasizes that in general for us mammals, mother's milk is our first food.

We were both surprised to learn the composition and amount of a mother's milk differs, depending on where she just had a girl or a boy.  

The subject of nutrition, especially for babies and children, seems to be ever gaining importance.  It seems to me that keeping in mind the long, long history of human development and the need during that time to face obstacles, accidents and natural limitations is important for understanding some of who we are and what we are.

When I saw that the Roku device could be hooked to my TV and allow us to see Netflix, Amazon TV, Wisconsin PBS and Acorn, I bought one.  The basic set is what we have and it costs $24 on Walmart and Amazon sites. But you can see all those on a computer, tablet or smartphone.  Lynn adds that many smart tv sets these days come equipped to do all that right away.