Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Cartoons that stuck

 I got to thinking about what cartoons have stuck in my mind over the years.  I am not sure these are the only ones that have.  

When I use Google and search for "I'm getting on the train" cartoon, I see one result that shows a man climbing into a train passenger car, then the same guy midway thru the car, and finally the same guy exiting.  He is simply describing just what he is doing.  When a person joins a social media network, he or she can be transfixed by the possibility of steady publication of events and thoughts.  There are some services that will transmit a live signal so that a viewer can actually see me getting on the train, walking to an exit and actually getting off the train.  So cool!

My second memorable cartoon shows two Zen practitioners.  The older one is saying to the younger, "Nothing happens next.  This is it."  There is a rather popular book by Jenny O'Dell called "How to do nothing".  Us sophisticates - a.k.a. nerds - know that in one sense it is not possible to do nothing.  Lying dead on the floor, I am being dead, I am existing, I am a former living creature.  Still, not thinking, not cogitating, not pondering, just breathin' and bein' is valuable.  Visit a Quaker meeting and see for yourself.  

Thirdly, a New Yorker cartoon from years back shows a man calling through a cocktail party, "Honey, what do I have my PhD in?"  It has got to be nice to be educated and all.

Lynn remembered the one where the husband asks the wife,"Which one of us doesn't like salmon?"