Sunday, December 26, 2021

I can hear

I like to listen to music.  I have some CD's of Patti Page and Ella Fitzgerald but mostly I choose classical music.  One CD that I like is a Phillips disc called "Harp Concertos".  It was recorded in Monaco in 1973 and played by the harpist Catherine Michel.  As has been the case with other music, it is the 2nd part of the Boieldieu Concerto in C that strikes me as especially lovely and memorable.  Boieldieu is sometimes called, I learned today, the "French Mozart."  The 2nd part is called "andante lento", directions that can be translated "walking slowly".  Over time, that part got my attention more and more.

It is played by the harpist quite slowly at about a beat per second.  Slowly can be very attention getting.  I wouldn't want a beat a day but a beat per second is slow enough to contrast with many other sounds and rhythms and fast enough to stay in the attention.  The right rhythm is like a caress and very nice.

Both of us have had trouble with the volume of our computers.  They can't play loud enough at times.  Lynn gave me a pair of speakers to enhance the sound and they work very well.