Mid-day tomorrow
Many people like their life and want it to continue. Part of the machinery and reflex that assists in that is the priority given to trouble and danger. You may remember the famous Ferdinand, the Bull, the fighting bull who didn't like fighting. He tended to enjoy flowers and their scent. But even Ferdinand would pay attention to some dangers and problems.
It is that time of year when our calendars kick over into a new year, one with a new number. So, a new year? What do we want to do in it? We want it to be good. Giving some thought to dangers and problems, we can say that one thing we want is a good year during 2022. Much of the impulse to think about a new year prompts us to consider the past year. But that is not really possible. That last year had too many moments, seconds, days, weeks and events to think of them all. Our memories are slanted to dangers and disappointments but even those are not all recorded.
Tomorrow at 11:59 CST, the moment of winter solstice happens. We have been losing daylight and getting more night since June and it is time for that nonsense to stop. From that moment, things will get brighter, in general, and earthly life will wake up. It will take some months for us to regain our brightness level but we will. See if you can tell by noon tomorrow.
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