As with many subjects, it is a good idea to try 2 or 3 sets of search terms into Google or another search engine such as Duckduckgo. Ideas and possibilities will turn up. I have used Google's Blogger for more than 10 years. It has been fine. It, like many things, is aimed at those who want to make some money and I am one who doesn't. I was impressed when Pocket, a service on the internet especially related to the Firefox browser, showed me an article I might want to read about how much money is enough:
I have had varied reasons for blogging but much like reading to explore and appreciate the world and life, writing about one's thoughts, feelings or experiences seems like a good way to increase awareness of what is happening as life parades on by.
People tend to get a copy of my blog posts in one of two ways: the web page on which posts appear or emailed to an email address they use. I email about 85 people with each post but Google or individual internet providers don't like messages with too many recipients. Usually, I can use BCC ("blind carbon copies") to about 20 per mailing. I use five separate lists with numerical names to try to keep track of what I am doing.
I create a post most days by noting things that happen or I observe or think. I avoid politics since it, investments and many other subjects have plenty of information about them. I use Google Drive to compose and keep copies of my posts, a service that many of my friends who have Gmail addresses don't pay attention to. I have 4,233 posts but they tend to be rather short and they fit into my allotted Google Drive space quite easily.
Blogging was begun picturing a blog (word comes from "web log" and in actual practice works like an online journal) on a web page and when a blog is begun using Blogger, there are controls and settings that assist in composing the post and what a visitor sees. There are apps such as the layout one that enables an archive to appear beside the posts at the above web link. Another part of the settings shows where people were who looked at the posts during the last 7 days:
United States
Google says there are over 600 million blogs so your friend might be too busy to look at anything you write or photograph.
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