YouTube music contrasts
I am not big on hip hop or other current music. I suspected just now that even naming that kind of music dated me. I looked up Is Hip Hop dead? And read, no, but it is not very active or developing right now. What is? One list said Rock, Pop, Country and R&B. I listen to classical, which is named in the list but is 3rd from the bottom, down with reggae and heavy metal. I tend to listen while driving to Beethoven's 9 repeatedly, but I don't want to be annoying at home.
I read that 300 hours of watching material is added to YouTube each minute! If that is not incredible, I don't know what is.
I wanted to mention three composers: Sousa, Strauss and Markoe. When I think of the power of music, besides knowing what it does for me, I think of the musical Amandla!. That show emphasizes the use and power of music in the struggle against apartheid.
I like peppy music but orchestral with a variety of instruments. Sousa is famous as a writer of marches and I am sure without looking that lots of his pieces, such as Stars and Stripes Forever are on YouTube. My shorthand note is that EVERYTHING is on YouTube. When my wife gets fed up with marches, I try to switch to waltzes - nice clear beat, celebratory but not military. So, after that, give a switch to Gerald Jay Markoe and his Celestial Mozart. That music is amazing, once you learn to stand it. It is like repeated, gentle caresses. Sometimes, a hotblooded person is irritated or worse by gentle, loving caresses. But, once you are past that, it is wonderful and not something you hear much.
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