Monday, January 25, 2021

Love this, not that

You have a big generous heart and you care.  Not to be outdone cardiacally, my heart is big, too. You are worried about the world's aquifers.  I am interested in football injuries.  

What is the matter with me?  Don't I realize that we are creatures of water chemistry?  We must safeguard our water supplies.  Climate change endangers water, population size and growth endangers water, micro plastics endangers our water.  You want me to care, to worry, to use my old, battered fatigued body in the service of Water United.

What is wrong with you?  What is wrong with you?  Don't you realize that marvelous young men are driven to crash into each other, injure each other, sometimes deeply and permanently because of human drives to compete, to stand out, to be attractive to girls and women?  Football is warfare in another form.  I want you to care, to worry, to use your energies and funds to lessen football injuries and the practices, drives and customs that lead to them.

Yesterday, I wrote about important words, phrases or sayings that have caught and held my attention, in some cases for years and years.  One such saying is the title of the first chapter of Lisa Feldman Barrett's book, "7 ½ Lessons About the Brain".  Her first chapter is entitled "Your Brain is Not For Thinking".  Doesn't that ring in your mind?  My brain is not for thinking??!!  Don't be silly - of course it is.  So, what does this genius neuroscientist say the brain is for??  She says it is the body's manager, governing all the systems and factors that are essential for staying alive.

You may have noticed that we are living in an information age.  About 80% of us can read.  That means that we can get written reports as well as podcasts, videos, YouTube, Facebook comments, Instagram photos and ads, ads, ads.  Plus, we can get ads.  So, you see what happened.  You saw that alert sent out by Water United about the coming age of death by dehumidification while I watched that moving attachment by Traumatized Trainers on serious football injuries.  Your big heart got engaged while my big heart was being engaged elsewhere. Unhappily, we will probably see what's important differently, at least until we both watch both that film about the harm done to our elderly parents by fat-fingering.