Saturday, January 23, 2021

bOt, I didn't do it!

I didn't pay attention and posted an email I received on my blog.  That post included a link to click if I wanted to unsubscribe.  I did not want to do that, but later, I got a notice to re-subscribe if I wanted.  I clicked on re-subscribe and went through the steps.  About a month later, that whole thing happened again.  Then, later, again.  Finally, I wrote to the management and described what happened.  A couple of days later, they told me a bot was unsubscribing me.

A what?  A bot, short for "robot", also called "web bot" and other names, is not made of metal.  It is software, a little program.  I don't know all the details but a short program can be written and set to "crawl" the internet, exploring web pages.  When it finds a link that it can recognize and click on, it does.  

The whole sequence of events came back to me when I read the Wired article here:

I don't know much about web bots but I did look up "bots" today.  The link goes to a Wired magazine article about scalpers using bots to take possession of all the good seats offered online for an event, for the purpose of re-selling them at higher prices.  I gather that the Federal Trade Commission takes a dim view of such practices.  I thought of the online arrangements being made all over to get vaccinated.

As I looked up information about bots, I found that there are places where I can buy a bot.  I am confident I could learn to write bots but buying one might be quicker.  I saw a price range of something like $5-100.  The more sophisticated price range is $40,000 to $100,000.  I am not really in the market for buying or selling bots of any kind at this time.