Monday, January 18, 2021

Peripheral vision

Not long ago, I read that it is not possible to be really aware of everything in my peripheral vision.  It's my vision, I can see things off to the side.  What do you mean, I can't be aware.  Well, I can be, if I try.  I can keep looking right at this monitor and see the mug of pens and tools on my desk out on the side of my vision.

I like to pay attention to my peripheral vision as a tool for showing myself parts of me that are not directly in my attention.  The Green Bay Packer Lionel Aldridge long ago explained the results of training he received to meditate and calm himself: pick an object or point in front and keep the eyes focused on it.  Without moving the head or the eyes, become aware of something in the peripheral vision and keep "watching it".  

I realize that we have other senses besides vision but I have not heard of peripheral hearing or peripheral smelling.  We have a book called "Listening below the noise".  It is definitely possible to attend to the flute part while the entire orchestra is playing.  I just tried sniffling a plate with onion, basil and cumin and I found I could concentrate on one scent, much like attending to the tympani in a performance.  As I have read before, what I do deliberately with my attention, matters very much.