Some place else is great!
It's not too exciting here. I have been here quite a while and I have seen the sights here. It would be exciting to be someplace else. I don't want to go to any particular other place. Every place I think about would quickly change into a typical place, one without anything special about it. No, I don't want to go to any particular place. They all have their disadvantages so I want to go to a general place, some place non-specific. You know what they say, wherever you go, there you are. So, wherever I go, that's where I will be. There would still be a whole slew of great places I'm not.
Maybe I can do better with time. Once I was there and another time, I wasn't. I'm told that I can't be in two places at once. That may be true but while I am sitting here, I can be walking among the giant redwoods in northern California. I not only did that once, I also remember it. So, with very little effort, I can recall the scene and my companions and being there, right while I continue to sit right here at this keyboard.
When I try to think of a place I have actually been that was fun, uplifting, exciting, generally good, I think of Hawaii and I think of Florence. I liked both of those places and I was aware that I liked them right while I was there. That is one criterion that matters to me. Just about any memory can be delicious or boring or negative. It was so beautiful! I was so grateful to be there, whole, alive, enjoying!
When I try to think of a time that was fun and exciting and uplifting and generally good, it is a bit tricky. When we waited in O'Hare for hours for our plane to be repaired, we were delighted, deeply, to be told it was time to board. When the pork roast was done, and ready to eat, and served, and cool enough to swallow, that was a very good moment.
Ok, I am going to take the lazy way out. I am not going to drive to the airport or bike over to their house. I am going to appreciate this breath, this quiet and comfort right here, that I am in now. I am not going to project myself into a lovely moment of the past or something really fine in the future. I am taking this moment, right now to be grateful, even for good things I haven't thought of. I know they are here anyhow.
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