Thursday, December 17, 2020

Half a dozen comments

We are about to send out Christmas greetings.  Many will be emailed but some will be sent by US Post.  Lynn writes a yearly newsletter reviewing the year.  I know it is the fashion to say 2020 has been a trying year and it has in many ways, but it also has some good parts, too.  I won't get into them here, but they will emerge as we think about the year and notice them.  

Yesterday, I wrote about browsers like Edge, Safari and Opera.  You can take the name of any browser, search for that in Google and download the browser to your computer.  I have Chrome and Firefox on my phone but anytime I unwisely pick up the phone and start using it for browsing or any serious interneting, I am reminded how much better, faster and more fun it is to use a computer instead.

I got another report from 23andMe yesterday.  That is one of the firms that analyze a person's DNA.  I used the National Geographic's Genographic Project twice and 23andMe.  The whole subject is just emerging and I recommend one company or another.  If you get your imagination going, you can be afraid of all sorts of unpleasant discoveries but you are who you are, and you might as well find out who that is.  We have been thinking about giving our greatgrandchildren a kit but we haven't done so yet.  We have two granddaughters and they are wonderful.  Despite prodding from the spell checker, I continue to refer to the next generation after grandchildren as "greatgrandchildren" and not "great grandchildren".  I think the term without an internal space is clearer.  

I like to refer to Amazon's Charts.  They list fiction and non-fiction that has sold the most and that which has been read the most.  Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling continues to dominate fiction reading.  Among most purchased today was "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", written in 1957.  I love that.  

I am founding a small (imaginary) internet company called  I have found that none of us can really count our blessings.  There are simply too many.  I plan to hire some data analysts, some clerics, some scientists and our crew will count your blessings for you.  You can't really do it by yourself but from a nominal fee, we will get the full count.  We had plans to rent the adjoining office for but we find an Australian group has gotten there ahead of us. 

As old friends and parties who have strayed or moved reconnect at Christmas, I find I have to appreciate faster.  I am up late and rising early but I am still having trouble appreciating fast enough to keep up.