Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Unwanted visitors

We have a good storage area in the basement.  For the first time in nearly 30 years, we found holes in a bag of rice, other damage and intrusions and mouse droppings in the area.  Lots of mouse droppings.  

We baited a trap with peanut butter.  We installed a high frequency squealer that is supposed to discourage mice.  Then, we found the trap stripped of its bait but not sprung.  We called the Critter Gitter, an experienced pest remover.  He was too busy to help but he said he would get back to us.  He did, after a week or so.  He told us to forget the usual traps, they often get their bait taken without catching anything.  

He said he advised getting Victor Power Kill traps.  We ordered them from Amazon and they came quickly.  Yesterday, I mixed some raw oatmeal and peanut butter, having heard that was a good bait.  The Power Kill trap has a more elaborate bait pit than the usual trap. I set the trap and placed exactly where the other trap had had its bait taken.  

Lynn woke up this morning and immediately said she wanted to check the trap.  Pshaw!  I just knew intuitively that nothing had happened.  As you might guess from the fact that I am writing about this, I was WRONG!  My intuition misled me but Lynn's did not.  Dead mouse!  Right in the trap, just as it should be.  

I donned plastic gloves and took the carcass outside.  Lovely little animal.  Delicate amazing little feet.  Impressive little creature.  I looked up "how can I befriend a mouse instead of killing it."  I learned that a mouse female can bear up to 15 babies 2 months after being born and that after giving birth, she starts a new set of babies after 48 hours rest.  I intend to keep my killing streak going.