Friday, December 4, 2020

Zoom dinner

Some friends had a good time with a dinner arrangement where you pick up your dinner at the curb from a local restaurant, bring it home and eat in front of a monitor showing the other diners.  Such an arrangement emerged for us a few days ago and we signed up.  

Last night, as we finished our own dinner, we got a call.  The online dinner had started but we weren't signed in.  Did we forget?

Yes, we forgot.  Lynn signed on to the meeting while I took off for the downtown restaurant, the only Middle Eastern restaurant in town.  I picked up salad, Morroccan chicken and baklava.  By the time, I got home, it was clear that the presentation was of limited interest for us.  We put the dinner in the fridge for tonight.

We use Google Calendar for our events.  It allows us to sign in from any connected device and it puts our events in his and her colors and in the right time slot.  But, we still have to remember to put a notation on the calendar and then, later, to look at the calendar to see what's up.  That is TWO tasks: input and output and that is asking a lot, don't you think?