Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Browsing around the world from your desk

In the Windows operating system for a computer, there is a browser that is part of the software.  It is now called Edge but it used to be called Windows Explorer.  It used to be represented by a blue lowercase e, then the e got an edgy snip in the top and now it is represented by a blue swirl or wave. A browser is a computer program that enables a user to jump around the world to various websites.  You may have read that scientists started sending data to each other and Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, working at the Bern, Switzerland atomic energy center, saw the possibility of inventing what we generally call "web addresses" and allowing communication much like email.  

The address window in a browser is where we type in the web address we want to reach.  For instance, the world wide web address for the "page" of this blog is  The "address" is also referred to as a "URL", universal resource locator.  The first browser we used was Netscape Navigator but when we began using the web, many of the organizations and possible destinations we were interested in didn't have web addresses at all.  Then, ads and groups began to acquire an internet presence.  

Just as it takes a while to find out what some of the possibilities with a smartphone are, it takes a while to learn your way around any set of mechanical options.  You can investigate Google Blogs or Wordpress or Google Sites to start writing for people all over the world or post pictures for them of your garden. That would develop your own URLs.