Sunday, January 5, 2020

Joyful driving

It is a cloudy day and doesn't look like the sort that would bring deep joy.  I took my friends to the airport and drove home alone. Lynn often mentions listening to Wisconsin Public Radio (90.9 on my FM dial) so I tried tuning in on the ride.  This was the birthday of the program Classics by Request, where listeners have requested particular pieces of music.  The program has been running for 40 years. The hostess, Ruthanne Bessman, made clear that there is a certain amount of pride in being part of such a long-running endeavor.

I was driving through farmland and small groups of houses.  Hearing great music in such scenery is very moving. I heard Wynton Marsallis playing amazing coronet in the Carnival of Venice Variations.  I heard Mozart's Symphony 1, composed at the age of 8. It may be too late for me to match him. The piece that really took me away was the 4th movement of Beethoven's 9th, abbreviated, by the London Symphony conducted by Georg Solti.  By the time he got to his 9th Symphony, I read that he couldn't hear it. I am glad I could.

Under the right circumstances, I can go into a semi-ecstatic state.  The joy of being alive, the gratitude for my life and family and friends can certainly bring tears to my eyes.  The scenery, the tune, the instruments and the heavenly voices lift me up. I am surprised at the power of the performance and my flying ability.  If you want to hear Beethoven's 9th, or just the 4th and final movement, one way to do it is to find it in YouTube. There are many recordings and performances to choose from.