Saturday, December 28, 2019

I get lost in my Pocket

The program (also known as an 'app') that allows me to travel around the internet and visit web sites is a 'browser'.  Chrome and Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari are all browsers. I like Firefox. It is free and reasonably independent. I use Firefox every day.  

Not very long ago, Firefox instituted a new service called "Pocket".  I like to have several web pages open at the same time. I understand that the record number is well over 200.  My poor little bottom-of-the-line computer can't really manage 20. Twelve is too many. Two or three is about right. I try to close a web page when I am not likely to use it again for a while.  That means that I am opening and closing web pages often.

The New Page programming on Firefox includes this Pocket feature.  So each time I go to launch a new page, I find a set of suggested articles available somewhere on the web that I might want to read.  All I have to do to capture the article is do a right click and choose "Save to Pocket." Trouble is that at my advanced age, way past midlife, I forget what I was trying to open a new page to do. So, in looking over the choices Pocket tells me about, I get distracted and forget.  

On the other hand, I do find many excellent articles through Pocket's suggestions.  Because the suggestions come from all over, I have gotten interested in the sources of internet writing.  I write this blog and have heard of other bloggers. I follow a group on the web page for this blog, and I follow more blogs in Feedly.  Many of the Pocket suggestions I find interesting come for "Vox", the Latin for "voice". I don't know much about Vox or Politico or even HuffPost, but I am interested.  The effects of education for independence, for life fulfillment, for social cohesion make it likely that many people, of all ages, are interested in commentary and discussion and exploration of timely topics.

I am developing a slightly better concentration so that I realize that I have too many Pocket articles to read already.  I realize that I can't get what I want done if I let myself wander off every ten minutes. I can't help feeling that some of the suggestions I pass over and ignore would be valuable, but I am learning to let that feeling go.