Sunday, December 22, 2019

On my mind

My goal with this blog is to write about what happens, to me, to people and things around me or people and things of interest.  That is a broad goal, good since things are always happening, not so good since so much is happening. I try to write somewhere around 300-400 words per post. So, I have to try and focus.  Quite a few friends read my posts so I want to avoid being too trivial, too revealing, too mundane and too all other poor properties and qualities.

Ever since I was in junior high school, I have boiled some eggs for breakfast now and then.  I did that this morning and doing so gets me thinking about diet, longevity, the health of my veins and arteries and yours.  I could write about that.

Once in a while, Lynn starts decluttering.  She is good at it and I appreciate her motivation, good judgment and results but not when she starts interfering with stuff I want.  I could write about a fight-ette we had over what is appropriately posted with magnets on our refrigerator. 

I make dinner every other night most of the time and last night I made tuna pasta.  The recipe comes from Joie Warner's "No-Cook Pasta Sauces". I have other posts that mention the book but it has been five or more years since I used that recipe, which was once the mainstay of my cooking.  I recommend the book and the recipe. I tried Banza Pasta made from chickpeas and it was good and satisfying.

My elderly friends asked me to help them re-learn how to use their DVD player.  They were also both curious and annoyed that they have a thumb drive but didn't know how to use it.  I helped them learn both and I think they reminded themselves what the file explorer in Windows operating system can do at the same time.

I am still reading lightly through Heal Thy Self by Saki Santorelli.  The book is a collection of short essays depicting group therapy sessions in the famous MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) clinic at the University of Massachusetts Hospital.  One of the essays reports a member of the group complaining about feeling empty. She meant mentally adrift, not feeling hungry. Sometimes, I feel dispirited or depressed but I have never felt like describing my inner state as 'empty'.  I intend to give a talk sometime on the value of running to Google (or Bing or Duckduckgo, if you prefer) with whatever bugs you. It can seem dumb or hopeless but nearly 100% of the time, whatever is on your mind has also been on the minds of many, many others.  Don't expect yourself or anyone else to have all the answers but describing what you are wondering about to Google or other "search engines" can definitely help. I got 630 million results on feeling empty but I won't read them all.