Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Wednesday Christmas Day

As a school pupil, I calculated that I got the longest Christmas holiday, with no school, when the big day fell on Wednesday.  But the Buddhists are always telling me that life is change, that change is happening and that the world is different every minute, much less the years and years it has been since I was in grade school.  Christmas Day has been fun and full of energy, with greatgrandkids running and jostling and playing Blank Slate. I didn't participate but I sat on the sidelines and observed. A fun game, where a player draws a word like "jet".  The word is announced to everyone and they all write an extension of that word such as "jetliner". If I think of an extension that is unique, I get no points. If I think of an expression that is duplicated by just one other player, we both get 3 points, the best possible outcome.  If more than two of us use the same expression, those of us choosing that wording get one point. Several players commented on the game being fun.  

Last night's Christmas Eve dinner also included a game, the one called Taboo.  The player needs to get others to say "Winter" but will be penalized if any word listed as taboo is uttered.  All the good words like snow, cold, seasons, fall, spring are taboo. The most common word uttered was "Uh" as in "uh, uh, uh…"

Both games were fun, the family is spirited and fun, the gifts were great but…

  • It can be tiring to have Christmas, which is not news but is still true

  • Having a weekend, then Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, with another weekend coming up is tiring and disorienting

  • We have activities scheduled by days of the week and having Christmas poke its nose in the middle of them creates chaos

I suspect the wisest thing to do is to suffer gladly and simply wait it all out, with a smile and forbearance.  I am revising my opinion that Wednesday is the best day for Christmas and substituting the notion that each day of the week has its advantages and downsides.