Friday, November 29, 2019

Nikki Lilly on YouTube

Just yesterday,  I found out about Nikki Lilly, a teen-ager who has a million followers of her You-Tube channel.  She lives in Britain and has a medical condition called arteriovenous malformation (AVM) – a tangle of blood vessels.  The condition is serious and affects her health and her appearance.  

At the age of six, she took to making videos on You-Tube and has been passionate about them ever since.  She has won awards in Britain for the quality and spirit of her material and the humor and vitality she exhibits on her site and YouTube videos.  If you want to see what optimism and honesty and openness can accomplish, look her up. Viewing and understanding what this young woman is and what she has accomplished may give you pause about today's world.  With 24 hour a day, continuous connection to everyone and everything, it is easy to subscribe to notions that everything is down and sinking. She focuses on makeup and beauty. You may want to watch the video of her having her brother apply her makeup to her.

I have mentioned the book "Haters" by Bailey Poland.  Just now, in looking up the author's name, I found plenty of fiction and non-fiction about haters, hating and related subjects.  Nikki Lilly started her YouTube work with the comments section turned off to avoid nasty comments and put-downs. Over time, she found she enjoyed getting comments and several of the ones I saw were complimentary and uplifting.