Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fire, arrows and spreadsheets

We live in a cold place so I am grateful for fire technology, from a match, a bow or a spark.  
The bow drill is an ancient tool for making fire. The bow rotates the drill, and the friction produces enough heat to start a fire. Tie each end of the string to the ends of the bow. Wrap the string once around the drill.

I was paying my bills this morning and got to thinking about inventions I am grateful for.  I read "Catching Fire" by Wrangham, not the book about the Hunger Games but one about the result for humans of cooking.  When I think of inventions I am grateful for, fire methods come to mind. I was keeping track of my bills with a spreadsheet and thinking how rarely I make a mistake.  That is because of the spreadsheet.  

Her skill and tools turn clay into this:
And fire turns it into this
What other inventions am I grateful for? Way, way too many things to list.  Electricity, tv, ebooks, cars, hypodermic needles, anesthetics, antibiotics, etc, etc,etc.