Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sex is dirty

I read long ago that God must be a sanitation engineer.  Only someone with that background would run a sewer line through such a great recreational area.  We are reading "Leaving the Witness" by Amber Scorah. Again, strong belief in a creed coupled with life experience and contact with other ideas resulted in changes.  A friend compared this popular and award-winning book to the even more popular and excellent book by Tara Westover, "Educated".  

It is easy to notice that many cultures and groups treat sex as a dynamite topic, which can be surprising when compared to the fact that every human being, as well as most other types of animals get their start with and by sexual activity.  I guess that among humans, sex, procreation and new families and family relations, are iffy topics for many reasons. A nice couple has a nice baby only to have the kid grow up and MARRY!!. Not only marry but look at the choice of partners!  Do we really want to share our lovely, loving family with that strange new person our kid picked up?  

I was surprised to find "She" by the psychologist Robert A. Johnson could show such a long history of stories of bride/mother-in-law conflict.  Not only can sex and attraction and love and devotion lead to difficulties but there is also the matter of career. In America and all over the world, people are letting girls know that they can and should become the CEO of a giant corporation, preferably by age, say, 41.  So, girls all over the world are saying "Whoa, Tiger, where's the condom? I can't fulfill my daddy/mommy/grandmother's dream of my giant, commercial, political, artistic, scientific success if you start 4 or 5 children in me when I am still in my 20's."

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Image result for Is the birth rate dropping worldwide
There has been a remarkable global decline in the number of children women are having, say researchers. Their report found fertility rate falls meant nearly half of countries were now facing a "baby bust" - meaning there are insufficient children to maintain their population size.Nov 9, 2018

I have never been an attractive woman, but I get the feeling that attraction and sex are sufficiently important that we simply are not going to do away with sex, powerful and anatomical and intimate as it is.  We will continue to wear loin clothes and debate and deflect and distract because sex is dynamite!