Two of four batches blocked
I send my blog out in four batches. The contents are identical but, of course, the email addresses differ. Two of the batches this morning were marked by software some place as spam and were intercepted.
Here is the text of this morning's blog, minus the one link I included to my own dissertation on my own web site.
I am a little worried about my attitude later. I have been good, mostly, for a long time and I think I am going to be cleared for Heaven in the afterlife. But the thing is I can get critical. And antsy. I can just see myself noticing downsides to perfectly fine things.
I do it now. You show me something good and Zip! Before my next breath, I have noticed something that might be a little wrong, a little disappointing, something that is a bit imperfect or slightly off. I am listening again to Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychology professor, read his "Stumbling on Happiness" book. It is about the foibles humans have in the matter of finding happiness and I have them all.
I wrote my dissertation "An Application of Decision Theory to Education" more than 50 years ago but I still recall the comments various researchers made about human reactions. People tend to have positive or negative reactions nearly instantaneously to just about everything. True, as we age, we often get a bit wise to the wiring and temper those initial impulses to downgrade the deal. But think of it, all eternity! I mean even peaches and butter creams could get old in that much time.
I can just see me developing a headache and being a headache. I wonder:
do people ever get ejected for a poor attitude? I can see me going downhill overtime attitudently, becoming grumpier and more of a pain to all around me. I suppose Heavenly authorities have developed some measures to deal with boredom, negativity and all. I wonder if they have some pills or something.
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