Monday, August 19, 2019

Appealing in 2 dimensions

I was surprised when I looked up cartoon characters that mattered to me.  I first think of Wily E. CoyoteThat's him on the right, facing the Roadrunner.  Wily is fast and persistent but dumb and mechanically limited.  He falls when he means to stay upright, he fails to extinguish flames that he should have and he handles explosives from the Acme Co. insecurely. But what surprised me was the large number of cartoon figures I found on YouTube accompanied by what appeared to be Arabic or Russian writing.

Wily matters to me because my greatgrandson laughed heartily at the poor coyote's mishaps.  Thinking of his pleasure, I thought back to other cartoon characters I have enjoyed. Bugs Bunny, Goofy and Tom and Jerry were ok but I liked more unusual personalities more.  Snagglepuss was cocky and quick-witted.

Much of American media and culture is about speed and winning and boast.  So the little dog, Droopy, stands out. He is described as depressed but he is surprisingly capable, winning races and outwitting bad characters while retaining his slow speech and down-to-earth approach to situations. While looking Droopy up, I discovered that he has a twin brother, Drippy, and a son, Dripple.

There is a Wikipedia article on this guy that may be of interest.

Haughty overconfidence coupled with stupidity and bad luck, fast talk and nonchalance and even slow and clear-eyed views of the world can be learned and verified by well-done and memorable cartoons in any language or culture.