Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Recognition by fob

When I got my new car, I was also given a fob.  I suppose the head of the key that doesn't fit in a keyhole just kept being made larger and larger while the teeth of the key became obsolete. Eventually, I have a simple chunk of metal and electronic components that is rather heavy and expensive and makes my pants bulge oddly. 

I got plenty from reading "Incognito", a book that convinced me that my conscious mind is limited and that other parts of my brain and body can do things without my deciding to do them.  My best example has been moving the trash can in this room to a different location and then finding myself tossing a ball of paper over where the trash can used to be.

With the fob in my pocket or my hand, the car "recognizes" me.  If I try to open the door without the fob, nothing. With it, the door opens.  My hands and arms are used to finding the ignition switch and inserting the key properly.  Now there is just a button: press it (with my foot pressing on the brake) and the engine starts.  Again, without the fob close by, nothing.  

I seem to be developing a close relation with my sweet car.  It knows me and it likes me, only me.