Monday, July 29, 2019

Use questions to see what actually is

It was only a couple of months ago that I first saw the word "influencer'.  One difference between my blog and most is that I try to avoid any sort of "monetizing".  I do have readers from other countries. Over the past week, about 200 page views have come from people in the US and abroad besides the 70 that get the blog by email.  I read that many Chinese young people want to be an "influencer". It seems an iffy job to me. I get the feeling that unless one has a million followers or subscribers, that job will not be a path to riches.  

Coaches, teachers, politicians and many others can be said to aim to influence others.  If I am spending too much time fantasizing about being a great hero, I might pay a psychotherapist to help me straighten out.  The large number of people who try to influence others is a group that is always on the lookout for more effective ways to change thinking and behavior in others. 

I have enjoyed writing a blog post every day and I have done that for about 11 years.  I just read a very experienced author who wrote that journaling each day has benefits but that it takes "patience and commitment." I suspect that calling for patience and commitment is not the best move.  Such language can be off-putting. Both of those words are somewhat general abstractions. When I do something regularly, such as re-experience the beauty and value of my wife, it doesn't feel patient or committed.  

I try to start with an open mind.  Is she luscious? Does she look like she would be satisfying to touch?  Is she witty? Does she say valuable things that I don't think of by myself? Yes, yes, yes and yes.   Conclusion: Wow! A treasure right here in the house!

I am afraid that telling people to enlist their patience and commitment is like telling them to be good.  Too general and too vague. If you want to go to the gym more often, as with appreciating my wife, I recommend questioning.  Did you go to the gym today? No? Do you want to go twice a week? Did you already go? See: it's questions. It's not teeth-gritting and perseverance.  Yes, in the long run, you show perseverance and commitment but you find those qualities and the right acts with personal questions, answering honestly and remembering what you want.