Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hot, well, warm news items

When I read Numlock News today, I thought it might be nice to send it out on this blog.  But some energetic smarty pants are way ahead of me and read that for themselves. Here is a link to the Numlock News archive if you want to take a look at recent issues: https://numlock.substack.com/archive  Walt Hickey and Oliver Roeder write similar newsletters that are free and mailed to subscribers on weekdays.  "Significant Digits" and Numlock both collect news items having to do with important numbers in the news.


I gave my car to my greatgrandson after he passed his driver's test.  I had asked my favorite car dealer to get me set up to buy a replacement.  When he showed me the Honda Fit, he started to explain that it had been leased by an older woman who rarely drove it.  "Oh, sure," I said, "you are going to tell me this was leased to a nice old lady who never drove it over 35 miles an hour."  He paused and said, hesitantly,"Yes". It can be difficult to convey that something which is more or less a cliche is, in this case, actually true.


My sister recommended I watch "The Professor and the Madman".  It is about the creation of the first Oxford English dictionary.  It is available on Amazon TV. The history of our tools and institutions is interesting, all the more so when I realize I have used dictionaries all my life without asking how they came to be and by whom.


I have growths on my face.  I went to see our dermatologist and he said they should be called "human spots".  He estimated he sees 100 seborrheic keratosis spots a day. I don't like them. He blasted them with his little can of very, very cold nitrogen or whatever it is.  He waited a minute and blasted them again. It hurt sharply but only for a short time.


If you are interested in better items to look at, use Firefox and its associated service called "Pocket".  I have several posts on this blog about Pocket. You can find them with the blog search window in the upper left corner of the blog web page https://fearfunandfiloz.blogspot.com/

Or look at the links here: https://www.google.com/search?q=100+good+online+publications