Saturday, August 10, 2019

Where did they put the brie?

We have three major grocery stories in our town of 25,000.  All of them are owned by chains headquartered elsewhere. Two of the three have recently undergone renovation and redesign of their layouts.  So that is why you can see people wandering the aisles with confused or unhappy looks on their faces.  

I used to be able to go into the store, walk to the Triscuits or the nuts, pay and leave.  When the store was still using its old map, there would sometimes be single pages posted at the end of every other aisle listing many of the main items people buy and the aisle number where they can be found.

Now, we are all confused and this is the time that the location sheets are missing!!  I assume the new operation is data-driven. Let's move the sugar to where the cooking oil used to be because data shows that the sales of cooking oil rise a bit when it is shelved nearer the back of the store.  I suppose the store app will give me the location of the cashews but I don't have a smartphone and I am not getting one. I have shopped in the local store for 20 years and we have not had a serious re-design before.  I hope it is at least that long before we have another one.