Memory mechanisms
I have been writing this blog for more than ten years. It is called "Fear, Fun and Filoz" after a typical sequence of human thought and feeling. For survival purposes, we and many other animals are alert to dangers, so we can get afraid quickly and about many things. Then, when possible, we like to have fun, pleasure, joy and related feelings. Finally, because of our minds, we like to think, reflect, question, consider, ruminate and generally be philosophical.
I try to stay aware of the events in my life each day and the events in my mind and feelings each day. If either type of happening grips my attention, presents a challenge or tickles my fancy, I note them. Generally, I spend more time settling on what to write about than I do actually writing. The blog has its own web page
On that page, there is a search window and an archive of all 3200+ daily posts.
For today's blog post, I have two themes I want to mention. One is hand and brain speed as we age, the other is the power and potential of women. I am nearly 80 years old. One of several reasons I try to post in this blog every day is to assure family and friends that I didn't die recently. At my age, I am aware of differences in my body that come with aging. The comic strip "Pickles" is about life as an older person, cucumber pickles being able to age and being bumpy and such.
One day, the older man Earl was at the breakfast table and with no preamble, he said something like "Gordon". His wife was perplexed and said so. He explained that Gordon was the name he had been trying to recall last week. It may sound nutty or impossible or both but very delayed recall actually happens to me. Like Earl, I can know that I know a name or event or number but be unable to think of it. It won't come to mind. Usually, if it does come to mind, it pops into my consciousness within a few minutes of my attempt to remember. I have learned to be a little expectant and alert to the possibility that an item of memory will indeed arrive in my mind within a minute or two. When it does, I am grateful and I try not to be perplexed as to why such a thought, often unconnected to what I am thinking at the time, has come to mind.
The blog entries are usually between 200 and 500 words long. This one is long enough now so I will save the other idea for tomorrow.
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