Saturday, August 11, 2018


A couple of years ago a group of foreign students visited our area.  The oldest one stayed at our house. He got a tearful call from another member of the group.  She was billeted in a house with nice people but that house had no internet! That meant no connection with Mom and Dad back home, no chat with others in the group in the native language. Horrible!  Disappointing!

If your computing skills and equipment are such that you can't make use of the "information superhighway", I recommend getting to work.  Shopping, playing games, paying bills and taxes, finding friends and long lost contacts, finding and reading books of interest, editing, storing and sharing photographs and video, listening to music, improving your knowledge and answering questions, mapping out trips and making reservations - there is a great deal that you can do online and the possibilities are expanding every day.  

A friend who studies architecture and office design has pointed out that there are many empty business buildings in the US.  Much of that is due to increased business and activity online.

Recent figures from Pew research show online activity by age:









You can save gas and auto use by doing more online.  Ask your teen friends or relatives or your friends' teens to help you and coach you a little.  You can do it and you will be glad.