"Your call is important to us. We'll be with you shortly."
"This call may be recorded for training purposes and our mutual protection."
"Please do not reply to this message." [Just accept it quietly, without comment, ok?]
I have not heard that last part. I made it up. I could make a comment using a different forum or mechanism. Asking me not to reply is not really an attempt to suppress me.
I feel better about giving a credit card number over the phone. I don't mind using the phone for business purposes. I have been using phoning for years and have not had a single accident so it seems safe. How many phones calls result in injury or death? If the software says it will likely be a long wait, I hang up and try again later. I may have actually waited as much as ten minutes but I normally can't drive very far (and back) in that amount of time.
I do hear that this phone call [and the last one and the one before that] may be recorded. I have heard that if either party to a phone call records the conversation, they are breaking some law or other unless they notify the other party that there is recording. How much extra weight comes with having a recording, I don't know. With good equipment and the right knowledge, I think a recording can be manipulated. I have heard recently that Google Assistant or maybe Amazon's Alexa can mimic my voice so well that others think I am speaking. Good actors or voice experts can probably sound like me if they want. The mere existence of a recording may not matter much in disputes over what was said or agreed to.
There are several books with titles about your call being or not being important to us. Personally, I don't doubt that even calls that do not result in sales or income for a business are still important to the business. When I appear in person without an appointment and often with an scheduled appointment, I may have to sit and wait while others are being served. At home, I can fiddle with other things or terminate the call.
Phone calls are more intimate than email or texts because of the expressiveness of speech. With just the two of us on the line, we can be more completely in touch with each other, unless, of course, one of us is at the ball game among shouting fans. Don't call me from a crowd, OK?
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