Monday, July 30, 2018

Getting close

I get excited by edges and changes. I was interested when an anthropologist said that during the ice ages, the edges of the glacier were popular with humans and animals.  Richer living for plants and so a variety of species of both plants and animals were found there. Maybe edges of periods of time also are a bit exciting.

It is almost August, almost the end of July 2018.  Once it is gone, we will never see it again. I read an American general's comment, who wrote that he was surprised to find that he felt a little sad as he left a Japanese prisoner of war camp upon being freed.  Sometimes, I read that we never knowingly do something for the last time without some sadness but I have my doubts. I am confident that taking my last antibiotic after some rehab period or other medical endpoint occurs without sadness.

August includes the first day of the new school year in many parts of the US.  Its beginning is a signal that the last day of the growing season is getting closer, as are the end of summer, the beginning of fall.  Several friends who live in the South have mentioned the heavy heat. My brother-in-law once stood on our deck commenting that the temperature he felt in the air would not be available in Texas until December.

I actually prefer months of thirty days.  Those extra days tacked on beyond the 30th drag things out.  Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar both got their names on extended months but I don't like dragging things out.  We are getting close to the end of a fine month so we should just end it! I doubt if anyone is going to take me up on that idea and I can't say I understand what all the ramifications, timewise and calenderwise, of having more 30 day months would be.  Didn't the Romans or somebody have an extended holiday just to make a calendar that would fit the spinning globe and the circling of the sun?