Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving afternoon 2017

We are thankful for flowers at this time of year. Photographers often look to early or late hours because more interesting and intricate shadows appear then.  But here at this latitude, we have long interesting shadows more of the day during fall and winter.

We had a dusting of snow last night but the temperature was such that the snow was only visible this morning on the roads and walkways.  I can't see any of that out of the windows in this picture but the reflections from the room obscure the view a bit.

When I think of the cost and ease of taking a photo, editing it, and transmitting it to a group of friends compared to what we did in my college photography club, it is clear that things have indeed changed very much.  The editing software in Google Photos enabled me to change the lighting from the original enough that the panel of painted wall just behind the chair looks more interesting and colorful.