Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thinking too far ahead

There was a car ad I often got a kick out of.  A mysterious, compelling voice from above says to a modern-day voyager, "Farther, go farther". We see a new scene and again the voice says,"Farther".  Then, a third scene and the voice says,"You have gone too far."  Whether it is a mysterious voice or our own drive, we may firmly decide to eat less or exercise more or read more or watch less television.  Then, with no warning, we find we have starved ourselves or exhausted ourselves or spent too much time reading or missed a great show on tv. It is hard to know where the damned line is.

This can be amusing when it happens to others but it ain't funny when we have strived and striven and pressed and priven only to find that we have, with great effort, gone too far.  The disgust and irritation is what Lynn feels when she finds an important mistake 12 rows down in her knitting.  

I get the same feeling when I find modern over-thinking, over-development lurking all around.  A charity really needs a donation.  Just click here to help us out.  Are you old enough to legally decide to contribute?  Do you understand the nature of our charitable operation?  Do you understand fully? (Click for a little quiz and click here for more information.)  What is your email address? What is your mailing address?  What is your phone number?  What is your cellphone number?  Have you ever donated to us before?  When did you donate before?  How much did you give previously? Our records show that you gave $xx.yy in 2008 but we have no record of a donation from you since then.  Would you like to donate twice as much now since it has been so shamefully long since you last helped us out?  What is your blood type?  Our records show that the average donation for people with that blood type is considerably more than you are donating now.  Do you consider yourself to be a tightwad since you give comparatively little?

I have been noticing invitations to "learn more".  I don't see invitations to learn less.  I don't see much desire to simplify.  Not only am I dealing with all sorts of distractions, I am also beset by overly long, overly complicated messages and tiresome details.  Yes, I may sue your corporation for my lost hour and no, I haven't read your terms and conditions.