Sunday, December 13, 2015

Catching up

I often have too much to write.  The world goes too fast and takes my mind and attention with it.

I asked the philosophy guys what is new in the world and the first answer is supermarkets.  When Richard was a kid, there were none.  You went to the store and gave the clerk a list.  He (probably not 'she') went in the back and filled a bag with the items. As supermarkets emerged, there were complaints about having to do the work yourself but the company getting the payment.

Other than computers, what do you find new in the world?

Lynn is a potter and gets clues from her Facebook potters' discussions and from YouTube.  She was watching a video by Hsin-Chuen Lin on how to wedge clay, a basic skill in preparing the clay, that is like kneading bread but is for the purpose of getting any air pockets out of the clay.  Air pockets will expand at high temperatures and explode, damaging the piece and its neighbors.  She was intent, which is a sign that good knowledge was pouring into her mind.  I heard the demonstrator say,"Just a minute.  I want to move my camera so that you can see what I am doing from a different angle."  That is the sign of a very good teacher. He was thinking about the kneading process, the words he is using to explain, the motions he is making and the visual information that a viewer-student is getting.  Cool! See?  That is one of the things that is happening new in the world these days.  Really good knowledge transmission on all sorts of subjects using good thinking and good teaching.  As I say, cool! That is, great!  Fine!

A friend is feeling the need to write more.  She had the time, the talent and the itch.  I invited her to write something for me to post on my blog.  I didn't point out that seeing your stuff on a genuine web page and getting some stats on page viewers in Russia, China, Europe and Indonesia viewing your writing is a lift and an inspiration.  If you want to write something, short or long, write it and email it to me.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety

Twitter: @olderkirby