Prove that you are not a robot
Maybe you have been requested in writing to prove that you are not a robot. This is a complex request. All it normally means is that you are requested to read something and key it into a window on a web page. What is to be read is a short series of letters and numbers but they are written in an odd way. It might be something like this:
I guess more and more schools are deciding that children don't need to spend time learning "cursive writing" but you did. So, you can probably read two letters from the English alphabet written red above.
Some computer programs are called "bots", from the word 'robot', and they perform tasks. I am not clear on what tasks a robot who reads "W K" from a web page does but these "Captcha" obstacles are supposed to prevent bots from signing up as members of clubs or groups or doing things meant for humans only.
But sorting the humans and the advanced robots is getting harder and harder. The well-known Turing test, discussed in the movie "The Imitation Game", is a challenge to robot builders: build a robot that humans can't distinguish from a human. The book The Most Human Human by Brian Christian is about such a contest that has been run several times. Recently, the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said that he feared for the future of humanity because he thought that artificial intelligence might advance to the point that humans build machines that are smarter than we are.
Some people have done well in such contests by being very nasty and upsetting.
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