Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fasting 2nd day

I told the guys at lunch about our fasting for a 2nd day.  They asked why we did that.  As I wrote, a little weight loss would be welcome.  The video we saw by Dr. Mark Mattson said it is good for the brain and the liver, too.  We found that a good friend of ours has been doing the 5:2 diet/fast for a couple of years and he has heard that fasting cuts down on inflammation in the body.  Our joints can use the lower body weight.  If you look up "fasting and dementia", you find information on studies suggesting dementia might be less likely with some fasting practice.

But all that aside, it is interesting.  Our bodies are made to want and use food, not too much but steadily.  Lynn has complained for years that the regular schedule we follow for meal times gives her food to eat when she isn't hungry.  The 5:2 diet gives women 500 calories in a day (600 for men), which isn't completely skipping food but it is close.  Doing without food can be a frightening thought and it should be.  No food and eventually, death.  So, the idea of very restricted food inspires some fear and creates a challenge.  Reasonable but authentic challenges are good for us and satisfying to conquer.

We have learned that we easily stop being hungry and that we aren't in pain or always thinking of food.  When we think of what we are doing, we do feel genuine hunger, which is itself satisfying.  Knowing that someone else is sharing the challenge makes us close to each other and sympathetic and understanding of what the other is going through.

It is surprising to me how much extra time we have in a day. Little preparation, eating or  clean-up probably adds up to 2 extra hours in the day.  When I read this post to Lynn, she took issue with my statement.  It is true that she has been careful to plan meals that meet the specified totals but I think that will go faster as we gain experience.  My idea was to use 2 or 3 protein bars ("Life Choice" bars with 18 grams of protein have 170 calories) a day.  Last night, she served her vegetable soup and it was delicious so I only ate two of the bars yesterday.

We definitely enjoy the food we do eat on the other five days of the week.  The diet days are supposed to be separated from each other and we have chosen Monday and Thursday.  The other days are so glorious!  The bread, the milk, the cheese!  All the same as a few days ago but so beautiful now, so fulfilling. We are very thankful for them.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety

Twitter: @olderkirby