Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Who speaks for corporations and whining?

I have heard from several sources about corporations.  There are many large corporations that are not based in the USA, of course.  Quite a while ago, the Great Books organization had a theme of international corporations and the dangers they pose.  I got to wondering how corporations (large businesses) affect my life.  As I thought about using Google's stuff by means of broadband fiber cable with electricity and heat and power for air conditioning from my power company, about using gasoline from corporations to drive to a grocery store run by a large corporation, reading books published by publishers and sent to my Amazon reading devices by Amazon, all paid for by using my large corporation credit card, I developed a quick picture that corporations give me a good life and one that I like.  Quick pictures can be wrong, distorted and missing important information but the quick picture I got did not match the warnings and somber pictures I have been given.

I Googled "dangers of international corporations" but I got mostly information about dangers TO corporations from competition, legal restrictions and governments.  I looked at a couple of political blogs about corporations and their influence on governments.  I am confident that agents, interests and money in corporations have accomplished things that individuals did not want.  I picture a dam being built or one being removed or opened that had devastating effects of farmers or towns or crops.

Until today, I haven't looked into the subject of corporations and their effect on American and world lives.  However, since the corporation is a rather amorphous organization, one in which I am quite confident nobody at all knows everything that is going on, I am wondering if life today is, on balance, better because of the existence of corporations than it was in pre-corporation times.

In a similar contrarian mood, I got to wondering about whining and complaining.  A friend went on a long car trip and then spent quite a bit of time walking and standing.  She explained her fatigue and aches and then apologized for "whining".  I think she grew up as a Lutheran or other sort of Protestant and learned at her mother's knee that one doesn't "whine".  That is an interesting word and it caught my attention since I had a sore back much of last week and I was wondering about the physics, anatomy and psychology involved in my own aches and in hers.  If she labels any communication "whining" and she adheres to good girl behavior of non-whining, I miss out on clues about the background of sore backs, the related variables involved and my aim to be the hero of back soreness obliteration.

I am looking for a dispassionate, objective and exhaustive observer of corporation behavior and value and an equally good observer of whining, whiners and their possible value to others

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety