Sunday, June 7, 2015

Google and its services

You know what a browser it, right?  It is the program you open to get to the Google Search page.  There are many browsers but on computers, here are the four big ones:







Internet Explorer






This is the breakdown of browsers used recently to view my blog on its web page fearfunandflioz  Firefox is an independent browser, Chrome is Google's own, Internet Explorer with its iconic blue e is Microsoft's and Safari is the Apple browser.  Some Amazon products have a browser called Silk.

All of these program do roughly the same thing, browse the internet, get you to web sites, whether it is the Weather Channel or Netflix or the Kirby variety one.

One of the best things I have done for myself in computing is to use both Gmail, Google's email program and to tell Google's browser, Chrome, that I wanted to sync.  That means, whether I use a computer, my iPad or some other computer. Chrome has my bookmarks ready to go in the same form and the same order wherever I am.  That way, I doesn't matter whether I am using a Windows machine or an Apple or something else.

All browsers have the ability to import a set of bookmarks and export a set.  So, if I have the ones I like for convenience in one browser, I find the place in that program to export the bookmarks I have made (Internet Explorer calls them "favorites") and say I want them exported.  I usually tell all my browser to export anything to the desktop, a good place for me to see files I have downloaded. Then, I tell any new browser to import the file that I just exported.  

I use Google to search, Google's Gmail for email, Google's Blogger for my blog and Google's Sites for my web site.  All available all the time, everywhere I am connected and all free.  Thanks, Google!

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety