Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hands up!

For all the talk about our brains, justified though it is, I like to take a moment to think about hands.  We can do good things with thoughts but hands, fingers and thumbs to more than their share.  The item below about emotionally sensitive keyboards got my attention but so did the interesting series of apps for iPad that come from "My Script", a series of word and math apps that take in handwriting on the touch pad surface and convert it to print or save as it in picture form. Their website show a 6 sec. video of handwriting, math notation and even music notation being quickly converted to type-set figures.


The software read this as "Singer tip" but otherwise put it in print properly.

The website says that there are more than 200 million users worldwide.  I imagine that Asian languages are much easier by such hand gestures. Their "MY Script" calculator is surprising at the range of math it can do instantly.  If you are like us, you spend hours in 10th grade calculating the sine of 5 or other trigonometric functions.  You scribble out sin (5) or even [ sin (5)] to the 6th power and the answer comes instantly.  I realize you don't do that sort of calculation but it is fun to fool with the My Script calculator.

Keyboard detects emotions based on typing style

Have you ever typed out an angry letter? Did you smash each key as if the force of your typing might somehow be transferred to its recipient? Well, scientists are now hoping to train keyboards to recognize our emotions based on how we type. The keyboards were programmed to recognize joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, shame, or guilt,LiveScience reports, with joy and anger being the most easily recognizable (87% accurate and 81% accurate, respectively). I wonder if my keyboard, with a little upgrade, could've sensed my incredulity as I typed this up.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety