Thursday, March 20, 2014

As Carmen Diaz knows, looks matter

I like to think that looks are not that important to me and that the
ist of a statement or the character of a person matters more than appearance.  In some ways, that is true but I have learned from computers that looks, format and appearance do matter.
 Let me make my point using Google Translate by putting what is in italics in Korean.  See how this looks to you: 나는 외모는 그다지 중요하고 사람의 성명 또는 문자의 광주 과학 기술원은 외관보다 더 중요한 것이 아니라는 것을 생각하고 싶다. 어떤면에서 그것은 사실입니다하지만 형식과 외관 중요합니까, 보이는 컴퓨터에서 배웠습니다. Here is the same statement in :white font on a white background: (use your cursor to see the text that is there) I like to think that looks are not that important to me and that the
gist of a statement or the character of a person matters more than appearance.  In some ways, that is true but I have learned from computers that looks, format and appearance do matter.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety