Oops, you made it!
It is difficult for those turned on to trying to stop trying. You know how it is: you leave Baltimore to drive west to Denver. It’s a long drive but by the time you get to Colorado, you are so into the driving mode that you just can’t stop. You go right through the state and on to Yellowstone and Seattle. It wasn’t what you wanted to do but you couldn’t control yourself.
That is a problem experienced by many older citizens. They worked hard. They saved wisely. They economized. Now they have reached a point where they are basically set. Oh, but it doesn’t feel that way. Of course not! Here in the marketing mecca of the world, where big data and depth psychology are used 24/7 to hook everyone on everything, it is very, very hard to see that you made it. It feels wrong to enjoy. It feels wrong to appreciate the sun, the sky, the achievements, the friends. It feels wrong to smile, laugh and relish life.
The media harmonizes with our basic instincts and shouts “Worry! My God, man, don’t you know there is a war on? Don’t you realize the dangers lurking everywhere? However much you THINK you are already “concerned”, it is not enough! Have you contributed to the orphans fund? Have you willed your eyes and heart to the needy? Get with the program! Be more concerned! Worry more! Try harder!”
Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety
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