Sunday, March 16, 2014

Exercises for brain processing speed

Much of the information I see comes from blogs.  A sampling of the blogs I look at appear along the edge of my own blog page.  One that I follow is the blog from Posit Science, the group that made the Brain Fitness Program and now runs the blog linked here.  Some of the difficulty older people experience comes from decreased speed of brain impulses.  The link above goes to a post by Dr. Michael Merzenich, a major figure in brain research.  It might not be a surprise to find that using our ears and eyes in tasks with the appropriate level of challenge can help the brain keep a faster processing speed.  You can see that if a person slips on stairs, he only has a very short time to take corrective action.  The longer he needs to perceive that he needs such action and to take it, the greater the chance that he will be too late.  This matter of processing speed is fundamental.  The post linked explains exercises that can improve speed.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety