Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hiding time

I read that it can help me sleep well to hide my clock's face and ignore the time.  I have one of those heads that stays pretty aware of time, nearly continuously.  It is true that when I compose blog posts or emails, I tend to lose consciousness of time at least for a few minutes.  But normally, something in the back of my mind stays aware of passing hours.  So, I was doubtful.  I wasn't sure I even could ignore time.  I thought turning the clock or covering it might increase my awareness of time or my curiosity about what time it was.

Definitely helped and I was surprised.  As soon as I turn my digital alarm clock face down, it is as though there is no time.  I am on vacation and have nothing to worry about, nothing to try to be on time for.  I have found that it helps during the night if I can see the time when I open my eyes.  I have also found that several nights of no-clock assists me in assuming a mild stance toward the time, being able to take it in or not, without much notice or effect.

I have gotten to wonder about other time sequences, not just the hour of the day.  How about the day of the week?  I am able, as a senior citizen (jr. old person, since I am still a bit young for today's 'old'), to remember what day of the week it is, since I hear being able to answer correctly is sometimes taken as an indicator of the health of my mind.  There are times however, when I am glad my watch and my computer are there to remind me or reassure me.

I thought that different days of the week would have different feels to them, that I would be able to identify Sunday from Thursday by their taste and scent.  Checking, I find that except by deduction (I had lunch with my friends today so it must be Tuesday), the days have the scent and structure I give them.  I have read that pioneering sleep researchers had people deep in caves where they could not see daylight or night.  If I tried, I might find a place where I could forget which day of the week it is or lose track.  I wonder if I would get a sense of freedom from not knowing what day of the week it was.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety