Monday, May 7, 2012

Other streets of great houses

Often the best metaphor assists in mental visualization and memory.  In the steady stream of attractive, arresting stuff, online and elsewhere, spatial metaphors might be useful.  

When I started to use the Kindle, I scheduled a presentation on what it was like.  Since I had only gotten books with it, I thought I would improve my knowledge and experience by also getting a magazine on it.  We get several on paper at home so I looked at what was available otherwise and picked The Atlantic.  It is a pleasure to find it in my Kindle all by itself.  Over a few years, I have come to enjoy reading it and found it eye-opening.  It is no news that information travels fast these days but I found the Atlantic gives different views on different topics.

About a month ago, I visited the Atlantic website in search of an email file I could pass on and found there are several free e-newsletters they send out.  I chose "5 Best Columns of the Day".

The Atlantic Wire "5 Best Columns of the Day" comes to my email address weekdays only and it is free.  I am pretty sure they have quite a few e-letters but I am not going to root around just yet to find them and evaluate them.  But today's seems especially valuable as I look for interesting information about what I would otherwise not know.  

Take a look

During the height of the Romney-Santorum-Gingrich struggles, I had my fill of news about that business.  I adopted the habit of skipping the item if it was about that.  The link above goes to the 5 Best for Friday, May 4.  I thought it especially interesting that one columnist explained that many Chinese look to America as a moral authority!

What?  The Great Satan?  The moral whirlpool?  The home of Hollywood and reality tv?  The link above takes you to the "5 Best"that I felt was especially good.  It turns out, no surprise, that there are 36 Atlantic separate newsletters available to download into your email.  I am not sure of the frequency.  Lots of good houses on that street, as on the free Wired blog street (14 separate houses, each unique and worthwhile) and the free Amazon blog street (8 separate houses but I usually pay attention only to the one about books, Omnivoracious).  Of course, 36+14+8 = 58 and you may not want 58 items to look over each day. So, once again, there could be the botheration of picking and choosing and the pain of not choosing and doing without.
Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety