Sunday, February 6, 2011

Evolving shapes and formats

 It  seems to me that things in this world come in waves.  They start, they  build, they peak and they fade.  Where is the sunset at noon?  Where is  the sunset at midnight?  The potential is there all the time but the  components take a different form and we don't see the delightful gold,  pink and green in those forms at that time.

Similarly,  we know that the baby will talk and run later.  Just after birth, its  muscles and nerves are in an arrangement that does not include speech  and full motion yet.  All the while things are coming and going, waxing  and waning, we are living our lives, observing, remembering, loving,  suffering, thinking.  Some of peaks and valleys of experiences and  development please us and some don't.  

Some  moments of development are so fulfilling that we want them to stay  still.  We want to stay in those states of falling in love, winning the  game, making the sale.  Some traditions of Buddhism talk about the  Hungry Ghosts, creatures who are hungry but cannot eat, cannot be  satisfied.  Life is constantly rising and falling and contentment for us  is temporary.  If she accepts my marriage proposal, my rival fails.  If  we win the game, they will not feel contented.

I  really like talking to my mom.  At a very early age, I couldn't talk  and neither of us expected it.  For a long time, though, I was in a form  and she was in a form that did allow us good talk.  After her death and  cremation, her existence changed into a state where she can't talk.   Her atoms are still around but in her present form, I get less  satisfaction from talk with her.  She is not now in a talking form.  I  remember when she was but she isn't now.