Different operating systems
Different operating systems
I think it was statements made by Deepak Chopra trying to show that the world and our experience of it are different. He pointed out that many insects see patterns on flower petals that I don't see because of the particular range of wave lengths that humans can detect. Small animals detect the vibrations set up by my foot striking the ground but I can't. I have read that a dog's nose is about 60 times as powerful as a human's. Beyond what other animals can do, Chopra pointed out that the room I am in is filled with signals and beams that I know nothing about, unless and until I bring a radio set, a tv set or a cellphone into the picture. With the help of those devices, I can detect wavelengths and make use of them.
When discussing the sensory input parts of ourselves, we usually mean detection from outside of us. However, memory and reflection inside our heads are also important tools for decoding and living in the world. Besides, humans are highly social animals. So, my memories, my reading of a situation and its possibilities are important in guiding my life but I am also influenced by what you remember, conclude and detect. How I was raised affects what I can see, what I can trust, what I plan. You were raised differently but I can't really grasp what you hold in your mind, memories and habits from your background, culture, education, and reading. You can't really grasp those parts of me.
As I age, both my physical senses and my memories change. Young things like you can taste, attract, and hear all sorts of things that I ignore or cannot detect. Old things like me can remember JFK as an interesting guy while he means little to you.
None of us really has a tight grasp of the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We are all using abstract murky models of the world to guide us, models that differ from each other and are off in unknown and unknowable ways.
(Note: some sentences in this post have earned the copy-editor's disapproval for structure and diction.)
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